Business community

We are an association of enterprising people who share common values and strive to create a strong environment for the development of their business. Within the community, experiences are shared and residents communicate to find potential partners, customers, and valuable employees.
Traktor's main goal is to co-create a meaningful entrepreneurial environment in the country, and to motivate people to develop, grow, and change the world around them for the better through their own example.


Ccommunity that acts for a purpose


Business club providing opportunities


Communication, mutual assistance, education

Igor Ganea
Igor Ganea
club founder

Let me tell you a little about how the idea of TRAKTOR came about!

My name is Igor Ganya and I am an entrepreneur who created himself completely alone. No, this is not an advertising campaign or a search for praise - this is a fact that greatly affects many aspects. In the beginning, I have always done everything instinctively, which means that, in fact, I have always done everything as I assumed that it was right, and waited for the results. And yet, I always had only my opinion, and I definitely didn't want to listen to other people.

But, just over a year ago, I managed to qualify for one of the strongest, and perhaps the strongest, business club in Russia, where I immediately began to absorb gigabytes of useful, correct, valuable information. I realized that an opinion can be one, but it must pass through the sieve of other opinions in order to become unanimously true, and not be only such from a principle. Also, I managed to notice for myself a lot of mechanisms for doing business, business management, and so on, and the puzzle in my head began to take shape in a completely different way.

After some time, I clearly understood for myself that business is not about “receiving”, but about “giving”, and I began to look for an opportunity to give! Our team includes amazing, bright people from the country. For our mentors, supporting such a project is an opportunity to share their personal experience, because each of them is a completely unique growth story, and each can give what the other cannot.

And when I say all this - this is not just a publicity stunt, you can really personally ask questions, watch from the sidelines or just raise a glass of wine with each of us!
